Detached Signatures

Detached signatures will often be needed in programmatic uses of GPGME, either for signing files (e.g. tarballs of code releases) or as a component of message signing (e.g. PGP/MIME encoded email).

import gpg

text0 = """Declaration of ... something.

text = text0.encode()

c = gpg.Context(armor=True)
signed_data, result = c.sign(text, mode=gpg.constants.sig.mode.DETACH)

with open("/path/to/statement.txt.asc", "w") as afile:

As with normal signatures, detached signatures are best handled as byte literals, even when the output is ASCII armoured.

import gpg

with open("/path/to/statement.txt", "rb") as tfile:
    text =

c = gpg.Context(signers=sig_src)
signed_data, result = c.sign(text, mode=gpg.constants.sig.mode.DETACH)

with open("/path/to/statement.txt.sig", "wb") as afile: