Group Lines

There is not yet an easy way to access groups configured in the gpg.conf file from within GPGME. As a consequence these central groupings of keys cannot be shared amongst multiple programs, such as MUAs readily.

The following code, however, provides a work-around for obtaining this information in Python.

import subprocess

lines = subprocess.getoutput("gpgconf --list-options gpg").splitlines()

for i in range(len(lines)):
    if lines[i].startswith("group") is True:
        line = lines[i]

groups = line.split(":")[-1].replace('"', '').split(',')

group_lines = []
group_lists = []

for i in range(len(groups)):

for i in range(len(group_lists)):
    group_lists[i][1] = group_lists[i][1].split()

The result of that code is that group_lines is a list of lists where group_lines[i][0] is the name of the group and group_lines[i][1] is the key IDs of the group as a string.

The group_lists result is very similar in that it is a list of lists. The first part, group_lists[i][0] matches group_lines[i][0] as the name of the group, but group_lists[i][1] is the key IDs of the group as a string.

To use this code as a module use:

from groups import group_lists

A demonstration of using the module is also available in the form of the executable script. This second script reads all the group entries in a user's gpg.conf file and converts them into crypt-hooks suitable for use with the Mutt and Neomutt mail clients.